Saturday, December 13, 2014

What is it that helps you to relax? Share it with us, please.

In general, I believe myself to be pretty good at combating stressful situations. Unfortunately, I am not so good at dealing with long-term stress of being surrounded by children, at my work as well as at my home. Also, all of my neighbors have lively little kids. So, in order to have some peace and quiet, I have been trying various relaxation techniques since I realized there is no other way to enjoy my life fully.
The most relaxing thing for me is learning English. Firstly, I am doing it in my headset so, the little ones are seen but not heard. Secondly, speaking English I feel my upper lip much stiffer, which enables me not to overreact when challenged to. Thirdly, watching and reading something humorous in English makes me kinder and much better person, though I say it myself. In case of emergency, yoga can help as well if I am able  to find a safe place to do it.

Your caring teacher,
Tatiana S

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